Lavorazione Campane

Marzo 30, 2016 Written by

La Fusione di una campana è l’ultimo atto di una lunghissima opera. E’ la nascita di una nuova creatura dopo una lunga gestazione e come tale genera grande apprensione e va benedetta. L’apertura del forno che da il via al getto di colata viene fatta invocando  “Santa Maria!” perchè la Madonna è Madre di ogni creatura. Questa simbologia mistica, si lega all’emozione collettiva e  si unisce ad una spettacolarità di indescrivibile suggestione.

Fasi Conclusive

Dopo il RAFFREDDAMENTO la campana viene estratta dal fosso e passa alla fase di PULITURA dove viene liberata da anima e mantello, ripulita e lucidata. Si collauda il suono con il diapason, infine viene applicato un battaglio proporzionato e gli impianti elettronici per il suono automatico. La campana è finalmente pronta per essere collocata sui campanili più importanti del mondo ma anche in piccole cappelle, sulle scrivanie di noti personaggi e nelle abitazioni degli amanti di un artigianato che si fa ARTE.

Read 356101 times Last modified on Mercoledì, 10 Gennaio 2018 21:51


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  • Comment Link MichaelPieta Agosto 16, 2021 posted by MichaelPieta

    Kpopmerchstores are the latest venture of Pop Culture, a popular online retailer of a variety of pop culture, movie, and music memorabilia. It was founded by Pop Star Nicole Kidman and her husband Mark Yang, who own and operate Pop Culture Boutique, a pop culture store in Hollywood, California. The store features a wide array of merchandise to meet any need for any age. They also sell a wide variety of celebrity inspired products, including collectible figurines, blankets, and clothing. Their goal is to bring unique, quality products to the people who are willing to shop online at reasonable prices.
    The company has grown quite quickly due to its success in selling celebrity inspired items. The combination of being an internet based company and selling products allows them to make money without the hassle of having retail locations. The company makes sure that it only sells items that can be purchased wholesale. This allows them to keep the price of their items at a minimum so they do not lose money on each item that is purchased. They do not carry designer names because they do not consider themselves as artists but as suppliers of items that are available at wholesale prices.
    Customers are able to buy from Kpopmerchstores with a valid account. To do this, customers must make an order that includes the product name, product description, and a picture of the item. When an order is made, the supplier will ship the product directly to the customer, often at no charge. After the order is received, the supplier will mark the product for sale so that the customer will know when the order will be ready for pickup.
    Kpopmerchstore offers two different types of product lines. Their first is their Hot Teens line which is popular among teenage girls and young women. Their second is their Celebrityrities line which features products from celebrities. Wholesale products sold at Kpopmerchstores include clothes, jewelry, fashion, makeup, and much more. In addition to clothing and cosmetics, they also have a spa, tanning, hair salon, and health and beauty products.
    By selling wholesale merchandise at reasonable prices, Kpopmerchstores make it easy for customers to purchase items that they need and at the same time purchase them in volume. This allows them to maximize profit. The cost for this business is very low because they do not invest much capital to start. This allows the seller to start with only a few items, allowing them to learn as they go. As they learn more about the business, they can increase the amount of items that they sell at a faster rate and eventually expand their business and increase their profits.
    Customers can purchase items at Kpopmerchstores with a credit card or pay with PayPal. There is a complete list of the items that can be purchased through the website. Once the customer buys an item at Kpopmerchstore, he can send an email to the company with the tracking number for his order. This allows the company to track the orders and send out the product to the customer when they are ready.

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